Operators of facilities such as hospital kitchens are required to comply with legally mandated hygiene regulations, document their compliance, and maintain current documentation for monitoring and auditing by the Food Safety Authority ("Veterinary Office"). The foundation of this documentation is a HACCP concept (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) for analyzing critical control points.
The goal of this subproject is to automate the monitoring of these critical control points in food storage, meal preparation, food transport, and waste disposal through the use of IoT sensors, and to transfer the measurement results to the GAIA-X platform – which is to be established as part of the overall GAIA-X project.
As a project partner and responsible for "Use Case 5" in the subproject, Hypros GmbH is meticulously developing this topic, leveraging its experience and software expertise in sensors and process data transfer to cloud-based platforms.
As the AP leader for "Work Package 250: Digital Twin Hygiene Smart Hospital," we are collaborating with project partners ISP, ITM, UKSH-IT, Hypros Engineering, and UTK on application development and GAIA-X-Med architecture integration through AI application development, provision of GAIA-X interfaces, and demonstration of cloud communication.